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Jeffrey Germagian

Licensed Real Estate Development Professionals

Jeffrey Germagian

ERA Key Realty Services
Direct: 508-395-0778

Dating back to the 1970s when his father put him in charge of the family real estate business, Jeffrey Germagian has built a longstanding portfolio of real estate transactions and developments. Along the way, he has grown the family’s original company, then known as Baystate Realty, to the elite status it represents today as ERA Key Realty Services.

Although we’ve expanded our real estate offerings and our branding has evolved to represent all of the real estate services that we provide, ERA Key Realty, The Baystate Group still holds true to the honest business practices and principles that Jeffrey’s father set out with decades ago. Jeffrey manages the Baystate Group which specializes in traditional home resales, land development, and 55+ communities. He lives in Hopedale, MA, and serves the local towns in the area including most suburbs of Boston as well as southwest of Boston. He is a Certified Residential Specialist and is fully licensed as a real estate agent to practice throughout the entire state of Massachusetts.

Jeffrey’s Achievements

kathy regan

Kathy Regan Gruttadauria

ERA Key Realty Services
(20+ years experience)
Specialties: Listing Agent, Buyer Agent & Relocation
Direct: 508-245-9221

I have been licensed in Real Estate since January 1999. Real Estate is my true passion with over 20 years of experience working with Sellers and Buyers; I have successfully helped over hundreds of families navigate through this important process and have been recognized as a top agent for many years.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Financial Management from Salve Regina University in Newport, RI, and have multiple Real Estate designations; Certified Seller Representative, Certified Buyer Representative, and Certified Relocation Specialist. I am also a long-standing member of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board and the Massachusetts Association of Realtors. I both live and grew up in this area, and have raised my son here, so am very knowledgeable about our local communities and schools. My work service creed is “where you are treated as part of the family”. Working in Real Estate is something I truly enjoy, and I am so very blessed to enjoy my career in helping families with such an important aspect of their life. I always strive to exceed my client’s expectations.

Kathy’s Achievements

Tools to Help You Sell

Contact us today to receive a free market value assessment on your home, land, or construction project.

Find Your Dream Home

Being licensed throughout the state allows us to help you search for your dream home no matter what town you’re looking in.

Comprehensive Services

Residential is our specialty but we are experienced and knowledgeable in commercial real estate sales, purchases, and developments as well.

Make Cherished Memories With Us